Works on Paper


My visual works address the themes of sex, gender, place, and nature. Confronting subjects such as stigma, sexuality, HIV/AIDS, and addiction while depicting the human condition. I embrace a West Coast style of pop-surrealism; Using mixed media, I blend the categories of academy fine art while maintaining a balance of materials, often with an illusion in the piece's construction. Visually graphic and comic-like, I focus on play and the narrative line between reality and fiction, frequently incorporating children's stories to illustrate adult metaphors.

For me, the familiar context of collectively understood imagery juxtaposed with self-expressing symbolism is a great tool to create a dialog with the viewer. Safe and dream-like, the often-appropriated imagery becomes a visual aid, backed with a brightly colored palette, making my work inviting. The seemingly playful images often mask concepts that come from a much different place—chronicling a world filled with personal exploration and raw energy. 

(but sometimes I just want to make pretty things)


The Sharps Project

